|  Clinical Practice Specialization Client Problem Concerns: Over the years of my clinical practice, I've taken pride in treating many people, from diverse economic, ethnic and cultural backgrounds for a variety of problems. I've worked with individuals, couples, families and groups. The following list summarizes the variety of concerns I've addressed successfully with clients over the years including: - Couples/Relationship Counseling: regarding dating, premarital, marriage enrichment counseling, separation planning, determining divorce, post divorce adjustment, problems with communication, intimacy, sexuality, abuse, anger, affairs, addiction, betrayal, parenting conflicts.
- Family Therapy: including issues of parenting styles, blended families, step-parenting, single parenting, adolescent problems, abuse, in-law conflicts, substance abuse, family/career priorities conflicts.
- Emotional & Mood Disorders: problems related to: depression, anxiety, phobias, bipolar disorder, anger management, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder
- Grief & Loss: complicated grief, bereavement, multiple loss, terminal illness, suicide, homicide.
- Sexual Dysfunction: erectile disorder, orgasmic dysfunction, premature ejaculation, loss of desire, retraumatization from sexual abuse.
- Stress Management: behavioral relaxation techniques for: job/employment/career, sleep disorders, hypertension, medical recovery, public speaking, test taking.
- Men's Issues: abuse, anger control, fathering, single parenting, isolation, emotional detachment, low self worth, fear of intimacy, commitments, pornography, computer addiction, legal stress, mid-life crisis, career changes, workaholism.
- Gay/Bi Men: coming out, relationships, communication, sexual addiction, compulsion, abuse, homophobia, prejudice, alienation, loneliness. hiv, aids, grief.
- Clinical Hypnosis: smoking cessation, weight loss, competitive sports performance, sexual performance, surgical recovery, self esteem enhancement.
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