|  Mental Health Resources Comprehensive Mental Health Information: - Beacon: Database of all mental health apps!
- MedWeb: Resources in mental health, psychiatry and psychology & catalog of biomedical and health related web sites from Robert W. Woodruff Health Sciences Center Library at Emory University.
- Psychcentral: One of the best online mental health resources from Dr. John Grohol.
- Mental Help Net: An award winning, comprehensive guide to mental health online.
- Depression Central: Dr. Ivan Goldberg's central clearinghouse for information on all types of depressive disorders and on the most effective treatments for individuals suffering from Major Depression, Manic-Depression (Bipolar Disorder), Cyclothymia, Dysthymia and other mood disorders.
Online Screening Tests: Substance Abuse Resources: Divorcing Parents Resources: Other Resources: Cake? Cashews? Visualize Kidney Dialysis: 12/27/11 Barry Erdman interview with Shelley Schlender personal accounting of treating diabetes with vegetarian diet. Dealing with Holiday Stress: 12/15/11 KGNU radio interview: Barry Erdman, Jessica Dolgan, Mary Zinn, Sam Fuqua Jungian/Myers Briggs test: Online personality test Information about Abuse (Emotional, Verbal, and Psychological Abuse, Domestic & Family Violence and Spousal Abuse) DSMIV: Descripitons of diagnostic categories as published by the American Psychiatric Association. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: Info, support, online screening, etc. by a patient run support network. A Guide to Anxiety Disorders: Helpful Info all about anxiety. AnxietyClinics.com: More info all about anxiety. The Anxiety Panic Internet Resource: Self-help resource for those with anxiety disorders. Anxiety Disorders Association of America: Information about anxieity, find a therapist, promotes the prevention, treatment and cure of anxiety disorders and improves the lives of all people who suffer from them. Understanding Hoarding: A useful compilation of resources regarding compulsive hoarding. Borderline Personality Disorder Central: Resources for people who care about someone with borderline personality disorder. HeartMath De-Stress Kit for Stress Management: A pdf booklet for stess management help. Clinical Hypnosis Information: My compilation of helpful resources. Definition of Social Work: From the International Federation of Social Workers. | | |