- Clubs To Join:
- The Yoko Club? Oh no.
- The German philosophy club? I. Kant.
- The Ford-Nixon club? Pardon me?
- The Arafat club? Yessir.
- The Alzheimer's club? Forget it.
- The Ebert movie club? Roger.
- The Groucho Marx club? You bet your life.
- The Peter Pan club? Never. Never.
- The Japanese theater club? Noh.
- The quarterback club? I'll pass.
- The Rhett Butler club? I don't give a damn.
- The compulsive rhymers club? Okey-dokey.
- The Spanish optometrists club? Si.
- The anti-perspirant club? Sure.
- The pregancy club? Conceivably.
- The Procrastinator's Club? Maybe next week.
- The Self Esteem Builders? They wouldn't accept me anyway.
- The Agoraphobics Society? Only if they meet at my house.
- The Co-Dependence Club? Can I bring a friend?
- The Prayer Group? God willing!